Started the day with a fine breakfast at the coffeeshop here at Lakeview. We headed over to a gem mine, to see if we could find a sapphire. Pretty cool. You dig your own dirt, then take it to the flume and wash it all off to hopefully find a stone. We found about 7 small sapphires and hope to have them made into some sort of pendant once we're home. Lots of fun. :)
Then we took a Jeep tour of the waterfalls along the Smokey Mountains and the Nantahala River. Our tour guide, Todd from Vermont (that should give you a good mental image of how he looked...definitely looked like a Todd and for sure, from Vermont), took us around for about 3 hours, showing us various waterfalls, and other interesting nature sites along the route. Went up to 2 lakes in the mountains -- gorgeous views, secluded and some multi-million dollar homes. A nice place to retire!
Then we took a Jeep tour of the waterfalls along the Smokey Mountains and the Nantahala River. Our tour guide, Todd from Vermont (that should give you a good mental image of how he looked...definitely looked like a Todd and for sure, from Vermont), took us around for about 3 hours, showing us various waterfalls, and other interesting nature sites along the route. Went up to 2 lakes in the mountains -- gorgeous views, secluded and some multi-million dollar homes. A nice place to retire!

Along the route, we saw several buildings that were still around from the 1700's and 1800's. Most were made from Hemlock trees and though are a bit run down, they're still standing. This particular one was the original post office for this town. The bars on the window were a USPS standard at that time.

Stopped for some local boiled peanuts on our way back. Must be a local thing, as there are roadside stands all over. Damn tasty. So we ate those on the deck while overlooking sunset on the river, and petting the dog that lives here, Mattie.

And the woman who runs the B&B here brought us some wine and snacks to compliment our peanuts. Pure relaxation... Well, pure relaxation once you include the Ben and Jerry's ice cream for dessert! While still watching sunset, of course. Now that's how you vacation!
And now it's time to upload some pictures and get ready for a long day tomorrow. Stopping at the Beacon (a plentaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay) in South Carolina, then South of the Border, then up to Maryland.
And here's a random photo for you that I forgot to post. It's from Memphis, right next to the SlaveHaven.
And now it's time to upload some pictures and get ready for a long day tomorrow. Stopping at the Beacon (a plentaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay) in South Carolina, then South of the Border, then up to Maryland.
And here's a random photo for you that I forgot to post. It's from Memphis, right next to the SlaveHaven.

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